


CSS like OOP 🔥

Component Isolation

Mixins & APIs

Scoped Style

Style Filtering

Mixins and APIs

In JavaScript, a mixin is a way to reuse a set of functionalities across multiple objects or classes. It allows you to compose objects or classes with behavior from multiple sources, enhancing modularity and code reuse. Read more at Typescript Mixin

Adapter carefully designed component functionalities and put them into separate classes which can be mixed and matched together based on use case. This can reduced javascript code size in production by using javascript build tools.


This mixin provides APIs to style HTMLElement. A component class can be created by extending class from AdapterMixin() using codes below.

📍 AdapterMixin doesn't include CSS processor like Adapter, It has to be set by cssProcess() function. Adapter use Stylis as the default CSS processor.

import { AdapterMixin } from '';

class Component extends AdapterMixin(HTMLElement) {}


override static cssProcess(css): string [middleware]

This static function act like a middleware to process all CSS defined by Adapter APIs such as setting in css [property] or using addStyle(css). The codes below is the default implementation in Adapter class.

class Adapter extends AdapterMixin(HTMLElement) {
  static cssProcess(css) { return stylis(css) }

static css: string [property]

/** Usage 1 : In class definition */
class Component extends AdapterMixin(HTMLElement) {
  // ES2022 : class static initilization blocks
  static { this.css = `background-color: blue;` };

/** ES Ver < 2022 : Set class property after the class definition */
Component.css = `background-color: red;`;

static addStyle(css: string) [method]

Add style to the component. CSS string will be processed by static cssProcess().

static define(tagName: string) [method]

Regist tagName and component's styles to DOM. Defined styles will be renderd and take effect after calling this function.

Isolator Mixin

This mixin provide Shadow DOM Isolation APIs and attribute observation for the component. Read more in Component Isolation.

import { IsolatorMixin } from '';

class Component extends IsolatorMixin(HTMLElement) {};

const component = new Component();

You can also isolate the component by setting isolation attribute in html element.

<el-component isolation="closed"></el-component>


isolate(mode: ShadowRootMode = 'open'): HTMLElement

Component Observation

[attribute] isolation

IsolatorMixin will observe and create Shadow DOM isolation based on isolation attribute.