"Use data with confidence"

{Edictor} is a Javascript essential tool to harness the power of data. It ensures data reliability, maintains quality, facilitates regulatory compliance, prevents errors. It can unlock the true value of data and gain a significant advantage in today's interconnected world.

APIs to help, not to mess things up.

No overwhelming APIs, the APIs are simple, easy to use. It's designed to enhance javascript expressions and statements to validate any kind of javascript object/data.


declare class DefineField {
    constructor(option = {required: false, grant: [], initial: undefined});
    instance(...types); // Validate data instance to be one of provided types.
    regexp(regexp_); // Validate data with regular expression.
    assert(func, msg); // Validate with function to be true or false.
    apply(func); // Validate data by using function and set value to returned data.
    arrayOf(...validators); // Validate array data.
    model(model_class); // Validate nested data.

Flexible & Powerful

{Edictor} support building schema for both nested and array data. Moreover, data pass through schema can becomes atomic instance which can validate itself in real-time when data has been changed, garantee that data is always valid.

Example usage:


class Website extends Model {};

    title: defineField()
        .assert((title) => { title.length <= 250 },
            "Title must have 250 characters or less"),
    url: defineField()
        .apply((value) => {new URL(value)})

/** Validate data, return validation result object */
const result = Website.test({url: 'https://example.com'});

/** Create atomic data instance */
const website = new Website();
website['url'] = 'https://example.com'; // valid.
website['url'] = 'abc'; // => Throw errors.

Array & Matrix

Array data validations can be done easily with ArrayOf() which provides APIs to validate data by instance type or validation function. Validations also support higher order array.


array1 = new ArrayOf('string', 'number');
// Higher order array.
array2 = new ArrayOf(['string', 'number'], ['string', 'boolean']);

// These are valid arrays according to the schemas.
array1.push(1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b', 'c');
array2.push(['a',1], ['a',2], [true, false, 'abc']);

{Edictor} is planned to have better APIs for matrix validations in the near future.

Error Detection

When data validations fail, {Edictor} throws errors and and provide useful information based on the structure of tesing data.


interface ModelTestResult {
    valid?: object, // stores valid data object
    invalid?: object, // stores invalid data object
    error?: object, // stores error information based on data structure.
    errorMessage?: '' // error message



You can try {Edictor} in your browser console. Model, ArrayOf, defineField has been imported and ready to use. For example:


class SomeModel extends Model {};
SomeModel.define({}); // define your model.