

Gnome Symbolic Icons for WebApp Platform

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Breaking change ! v 43.0.0 -> 43.1.0

Now icons use CSS property fill to change color.

Breaking change ! v 45.0.0 -> 45.1.0

Gnomicon isn't shipped with  icons.js  anymore, Please use DefIcon  instead


SVG icon explain

Gnomicon can be used by codes below. Although it's not recommended, this is how SVG Icons work on browser without other libraries or dependencies.

<!-- Using from SVG Sprite -->
<svg style="width: 1em; height: 1em;">
    <use xlink:href="/path/to/gnomicon/dist/icon.svg#call-outgoing"></use>

You can also use each SVG Icons in gnomicon/dist/svg/,
Read furthur information about SVG in HTML at Using SVG, SVG Symbol from CSS Tricks

Usage with DefIcon

DefIcon is the project which bring SVG definitions to icon component for webapp. You can read more information at thier website.


import { DefIcon } from '';
class Icon extends DefIcon({url: 'path/to/gnomicon/dist/icon.svg'}) {};
customElements.define('el-icon', Icon);

Then, we can use icon in web-component <el-icon name="icon-name">, for example.


<el-icon name="printer-error"></el-icon>
<el-icon name="dialog-warning"></el-icon>
<el-icon name="appointment-soon"></el-icon>
<el-icon name="battery-level-20"></el-icon>
<el-icon name="call-outgoing"></el-icon>


Use style color property can be used to set icon's color.


<!-- Use style "fill" to change icon color -->
<el-icon name="call-outgoing" style="fill: #2196F3;"></el-icon>

<!-- Or if you want to inherit color from parent node -->
<el-icon name="call-outgoing" style="fill: currentColor;"></el-icon>


Use style font-size property can be used to scale icons.


<el-icon name="printer-error" style="font-size: 1rem;"></el-icon>
<el-icon name="dialog-warning" style="font-size: 1.5rem;"></el-icon>
<el-icon name="appointment-soon" style="font-size: 2.0rem;"></el-icon>
<el-icon name="battery-level-20" style="font-size: 2.5rem;"></el-icon>
<el-icon name="call-outgoing" style="font-size: 3rem;"></el-icon>

Optimization options

Icons in gnomicon/dist/svg/ can be uploaded to to generated SVG Defs Icons symbol-defs.svg which contains only icons you need.

Icons Pack