Query API

Query APIs concept.

To send query to database, we need to create query which consists of 4 main parts:

  1. Database Selection : Select database IP address and port.
  2. Shelf Selection : Select shelf in database.
  3. Chained Query : Create entries operations on selected shelf.
  4. Run : Send query to database.

The created query won't send anything to database until run() is called.

For example, to query notes which have datetime start from year 2020.

import shelfquery

notes = shelfquery\
    .filter(lambda note: note['datetime'] >= datetime.fromisoformat('2020-01-01'))\

Database & Shelf Selection

Let's start with database selection using code below.

db = shelfquery.db(host='', port=17000)

This will create DB instance which contains information of database IP adress and port.

Next, we can select shelf in database and we're ready to use Chained Query APIs.

note_shelf = db.shelf('note')

Chained Query APIs

db in this section is a variable which keep DB instance.

count() -> number: int

Count entries

count = db.shelf('note').count()

delete() -> None

Delete entries

edit(func(entry) -> entry: dict) -> None

Edit entries using function.

def add_like(note)  # Get an entry as the argument.
    note['like'] += 1  # Add 1 like
    return note  # Return the entry to save in database.


filter(func(entry) -> bool) -> entries

Filter entries using function/lambda.

notes = db.shelf('note')\
    .filter(lambda note: 'some words' in note['title'])\

first(func(entry) -> bool) -> entry

Get the first entry matched by function/lambda.

note = db.shelf('note')\
    .first(lambda note: 'some words' in note['title'])\

get(id: 'UUID1 String') -> entry

Get the entry at UUID1 hash key in database.

note = db.shelf('note')\

add(entry: dict) -> uuid1: str

Insert an entry at generated UUID1 hash key in database.
Return UUID1 hash of the inserted entry.

note_uuid1 = db.shelf('note')\
    .insert({'title': 'Shelf DB', 'content': 'Test'})\

map(func(entry) -> Any) -> Iterator

Mapping function to entries (See python map())
Return value from provided function will be kept in chained query's result as iterator.

# Get all note titles.
note_titles = db.shelf('note').map(lambda note: note['title']).run()
# Get user without password.
def user_without_password(user):
    del user['password']
    return user

users = db.shelf('user').map(user_without_password).run()

patch(uuid1: str, data: dict)

Patch an entry at provided UUID1 hash in database. Create one if not exists.


put(uuid1: str, entry: dict)

Put an entry at provided UUID1 hash in database. It will replace any existing entry if any.

        {'title': 'Shelf DB', 'content': 'Test'})\

reduce(func(accumulator, current_value, initializer=None) -> accumulator)

Apply reduce function. (See reduce())
Can be use with map function. (See MapReduce)

# Get total size of all photos in the shelf.
total_size = db.shelf('photo')\
    .map(lambda photo: photo['size'])\
    .reduce(lambda total, current: total + current)

replace(data: dict)

Replace data to an entry/entries in chained query's result.

slice(start: int, stop: int, step=1)

Slice chained query's result.

# Sort notes by datetime and get notes at index [20:40]
notes = db.shelf('note')\
    .sort(key=lambda note: note['datetime'])\

sort(key=lambda entry: entry.timestamp, reverse=False)

Sort entries. See sort

# Sort then slice [0:50]
notes = db.shelf('note')\
    .sort(key=lambda note: note['datetime'])\

update(patch: dict)

Update patch to an entry/entries in chained query's result.

db.shelf('note').update({'publish': False}).run()


Send chained query to database.

Shelf DB
Guide Database Query