To send query to database, we need to create query which consists of 4 main parts:
The created query won't send anything to database until run()
is called.
For example, to query notes which have datetime
start from year 2020.
import shelfquery
notes = shelfquery\
.filter(lambda note: note['datetime'] >= datetime.fromisoformat('2020-01-01'))\
Let's start with database selection using code below.
db = shelfquery.db(host='', port=17000)
This will create DB instance which contains information of database IP adress and port.
Next, we can select shelf in database and we're ready to use Chained Query APIs.
note_shelf = db.shelf('note')
in this section is a variable which keep DB instance.
count() -> number: int
Count entries
count = db.shelf('note').count()
delete() -> None
Delete entries
edit(func(entry) -> entry: dict) -> None
Edit entries using function.
def add_like(note) # Get an entry as the argument.
note['like'] += 1 # Add 1 like
return note # Return the entry to save in database.
filter(func(entry) -> bool) -> entries
Filter entries using function/lambda.
notes = db.shelf('note')\
.filter(lambda note: 'some words' in note['title'])\
first(func(entry) -> bool) -> entry
Get the first entry matched by function/lambda.
note = db.shelf('note')\
.first(lambda note: 'some words' in note['title'])\
get(id: 'UUID1 String') -> entry
Get the entry at UUID1 hash key in database.
note = db.shelf('note')\
add(entry: dict) -> uuid1: str
Insert an entry at generated UUID1 hash key in database.
Return UUID1 hash of the inserted entry.
note_uuid1 = db.shelf('note')\
.insert({'title': 'Shelf DB', 'content': 'Test'})\
map(func(entry) -> Any) -> Iterator
Mapping function to entries (See python
Return value from provided function will be kept in chained query's result
as iterator.
# Get all note titles.
note_titles = db.shelf('note').map(lambda note: note['title']).run()
# Get user without password.
def user_without_password(user):
del user['password']
return user
users = db.shelf('user').map(user_without_password).run()
patch(uuid1: str, data: dict)
Patch an entry at provided UUID1 hash in database. Create one if not exists.
put(uuid1: str, entry: dict)
Put an entry at provided UUID1 hash in database. It will replace any existing entry if any.
{'title': 'Shelf DB', 'content': 'Test'})\
reduce(func(accumulator, current_value, initializer=None) -> accumulator)
Apply reduce function. (See reduce()
Can be use with map function. (See MapReduce
# Get total size of all photos in the shelf.
total_size = db.shelf('photo')\
.map(lambda photo: photo['size'])\
.reduce(lambda total, current: total + current)
replace(data: dict)
Replace data to an entry/entries in chained query's result.
slice(start: int, stop: int, step=1)
Slice chained query's result.
# Sort notes by datetime and get notes at index [20:40]
notes = db.shelf('note')\
.sort(key=lambda note: note['datetime'])\
sort(key=lambda entry: entry.timestamp, reverse=False)
Sort entries. See sort
# Sort then slice [0:50]
notes = db.shelf('note')\
.sort(key=lambda note: note['datetime'])\
update(patch: dict)
Update patch to an entry/entries in chained query's result.
db.shelf('note').update({'publish': False}).run()
Send chained query to database.